Spirit of the Andes (Alma de los Andes) provides a Playgroup (La Guarderia) for the children of its member workers at the two workshops in El Alto and Cochabamba. As children in Bolivia attend school for either mornings or afternoons, there are childcare issues for some of the knitters of an afternoon when the workshops are open. The two playgroups provide age appropriate stimulation and play activities for around 50 children up to the age of 10, ranging from free play, through painting and craftwork to group activities thus aiding their development and socialisation. Many of these children have to be taught to play so that afternoons spent at the playgroup are an enriching experience for them and for their mothers. The children are also taught about healthy eating and are served a nutritious meal and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice every afternoon. A welfare program is run through the playgroups. Over 100 children are provided with washing kits (currently costing USD10), including toothbrushes and toothpaste, and are taught basic personal and dental hygiene. They also receive vitamins and iron to supplement their poor diet and a prophylactic dose of mebendazole to combat intestinal parasites. (Current costs per child: vitamins USD6; iron USD7; mebendazole USD1.5)
Over the last few years Spirit of the Andes has worked in collaboration with doctors and health organisations to improve the overall health of the women and children we support.
Medical Checks for Children (Holland) included us in two of their missions to the Department of La Paz, checking over 200 children (height, weight, teeth, common diseases and referral for special cases).
The Ojos del Mundo Foundation (Spain) checked the eyesight of over 100 mothers and their children and supplied them with spectacles at a very affordable cost.
Local doctors have lent their services at little or no cost to do gynaecological checks on the women and do health checks on the children.
All of these actions have led to many women's lives being saved from previously undiagnosed diseases, and children's lives being improved through the treatment of common childhood diseases, such as parasites, skin diseases and ear, nose and throat infections.
Para Alma de los Andes es importante educar en la Equidad de Género en el ámbito de la educación no formal ya que el tiempo libre es un espacio ideal para fomentar esa conciencia de igualdad real entre mujeres y hombres.
Así, ponemos en marcha charlas educativas sobre Equidadde Género, entendidas como un proyecto de reconocimiento de la mujer,diálogo y encuentro con las diferencias y las causas que las provocan, con la intención de generar cambios en nuestras actitudes personales y en nuestro entorno.
Se hace estas charlas desde una perspectiva enriquecedora, lúdica y atractiva en las que queremos desde las diferentes propuestas, dinámicas, juegos, actividades, etc, que nuestras asociadas sean las personas beneficiarias y que reflexionen sobre las relaciones de poder injustas y discriminatorias entre hombres y mujeres, mujeres, descubriendo cómo las desigualdades existentes son sociales o culturales, y por lo tanto modificables.
The knitters of Spirit of the Andes are some of the poorest in the Western Hemisphere. With such difficult lives, we want them to have some fun and lighten up. Four times a year we throw a big party so they can have a great time with their friends and fellow knitters. (No men invited except for Mick, an honorary woman). Often there is a ceremony (cha´lla) with a burnt offering to Pacha Mama (Mother Earth). Afterwards there is a feast and dancing. We all have an absolutely wonderful time.
Every year we try to take some of the knitters on short trips so that the can learn more about Bolivia. Every two or three years we hire a bus to take women and children to Cocacabana for a day at the beach on Lake Titicaca. We also have weekend enrichment courses in Coroico, Surata and Cochabamba, where we have a sister workshop. Cochabamba knitters also come to La Paz. We also have a small dormitory in our workshop where woman from the countryside can spend the night in safety.
This summer we plan an excursion to the Zoo for mothers and children. It is always a hit and everyone loves the monkeys.